Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

October 1773

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS506340138

Image 138 of 298

The Overseers of the Poor of the Parish of St.
John Wapping agst.Thomas Hales< no role > ,

Middlesex , towit,

Thomas Hales< no role > and Francis White< no role > of his
Majesties first Regiment of Host Guards severally make
Oath and say And first the said Thomas Hales< no role > for himself
saith that the allegations in his Petition hereunto annexed [..]
true And this Deponent the said Francis White< no role > for himself
saith that he being one of the securities for the appear
of the sd. Thomas Hales< no role > as in the sd, Petition slated
the said Francis White< no role > did attend the Sessions together
with the said Thomas Hales< no role > and Richard Morgan< no role > the
other security in order that the said Thomas Hales< no role >
might be ready to submit himself to the order of
the Sessions And that the Recognizance might be
with drawn And this Deponent the said Francis
< no role > farther maketh oath and saith that he did
on Wednesday the 20th: of Octr. last deliver a Notice
in writing to MrFedman vestry Clerk of the
said Parish or his Clerk that the sd. Thomas Hales< no role >
would appear at Hicks's Hall on Thursday then
next to hear and abide such order as the worshipful
the Bench of Justices should be pleased to make in
this matter And that this Deponent and the said
Thomas Hales< no role > did accordingly attend but no order
has yet been made, these Deponents being ignorant of
the made of proceeding to have brought on the complaint.


Thos Hales< no role >
Frans. White< no role >

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