Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

September 1775

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS506560057

Image 57 of 166

Hicks Hall
Middlesex }

The King
Between against
John Ravenscroft< no role > }
on the prosecution
of John Brooks< no role >
for an Assault

John Ravenscroft< no role > the Younger of Cold Bath Fields in the
Parish of Saint James Clerkenwell in the County of Middlesex
Silversmith the Defendant in this Cause Maketh Oath and Saith
that he this Deponent in July Sessions last pleaded not Guilty to
the Indictment preferred against him And Entered into Recognizances
to Try his Traverse thereon in this present Sessions and intended
to Try his said Traverse in this Sessions And made Enquiry
after his Witnesses in order to get them Subpoena'd in Time
for that purpose but upon Inquiry in the beginning of last Week
after Nehemiah Davis< no role > of Holborn in the County of Middlesex
Taylor who is a Material Witness for this Defendant in this Cause
As this Defendant is advised and verily beleives to be True this
Deponent was then informed by the Wife of the said Mr. Davis that
the said Mr. Nehemiah Davis< no role > had been a few Days before set out on a journey towards
Bristol and intended to see some of his Friends in wales before
his Return to London And that she did not expect him to Return
to London till about the latter end of this present Month of September
or in words to that or the like Effect which said information this
Deponent verily beleives to be True

Jno. Ravenscroft< no role >

Sworn in Court this Twelfth
Day of September 1775}

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