Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

February 1779 - April 1779

About this document type

Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS507110067

Image 67 of 12912th February 1779

Northd. House 12th. Febry 1779 .


By the commands of His Grace The Duke of
Northumberland who is at present very much indisposed with
a Severe fit of the Gout and unable to write his Name, I send
You herewith in closed a Copy of a Letter which His Grace, as
His Majesty's Lieutenant of the County of Middlesex, has just
now received from Lord Amherst, commanding in Chief His
Majesty's Force in Great Britain; wherein His Lordship
recommends the attention, assistance, and activity of the
Civil Magistrates in carrying the Act of Parliament mentioned
in His Lordship's said Letter into Execution.

In order that this business may be forwarded with all
convenient dispatch; The Duke has taken the Liberty to
in close You a Copy of the Act, and he hopes, and has not the
least doubt, but that on this Occasion every proper power will be
diligently exerted to promote His Majesty's Service in the
most Effectual Manner. I have the honor to be with the
greatest Truth and Regard

Your most obliged
and most obedt.
humble Servant

Hen: Coll: Selby

To Sir John Hawkins< no role >
Chairman of the Sessions
for the County of Middlesex

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