Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

February 1779 - April 1779

About this document type

Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS507110129

Image 129 of 1292nd April 1779

2d Apr of

To Mr Rd. Akerman< no role > This name instance is in set 4413. Keeper of the Gaol of Newgate his Charge for Expences incurred by
him in the Conveyance of the Ordd. Offences convt. at the Sess: of the Delivery of the St. Gaol
of Newgate forthwith of Middx , & at the sevt. Sess: of the peace holden in & for the sd Cs:f Midlx
the City & Liberty of Westmr. & Libty of the Town of London from the March of July 1776 with
Month of July 1778 & did for hard Labour on the River Thames & with the if Carr. at
Clk in pursuance of the Act of Parliamt. as P Next 28.1:6

To him man for his Charge for 217 Offences Convt. at the Sess: in the Cs: of Middx
& delivered fast and Labour from July 1776 to to July 1778 at the W ea as above


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