Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

July 1783

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS507700093

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Edward Hall< no role > Account of Money paid
for Advertising the Session.

To advertisement in the Daily
advertiser Decemr. Session 1781}
0.. 3.. 0

To advertisements in the front
of the same paper from
January Session 1782 to
the present May Session 1783
at 5s each - in all 12 Sessions}
3.. 0.. 0

To advertisement in the same
paper 4th, 5th, 6th. and 12th. of
Session to Westminster 5s each}
1.. -.. -

To 3 advertisements for meetings at
westminster 7th, 9th, and 12th, for 13th.
Decr. 1782.}
-.. 15.. -

To 3 advertisments as above for 16th, 18th
and the 20th, for meeting on the
-.. 15 -

To Advertisment 16th. Sepr. 1782
for last Day of said Session}
-.. 5.. -

To advertisment in the Chronich
13th. Feb: 1783 for an Adjournment
of Said Session to the 15th. instant}
-.. 5.. 6

To Advertisments in all the papers
for Adjournment of Feb: Session
to the}
2.. 9.. 6

£8.. 13.. 0

To 3 Advertizements in the
Daily, Chronicle & Herald of Adjournmt.
of House of Correction Committee
to County, Day July Session 1783}
-.. 16.. -

To and in the Daily for the Commence
ment of the above Session}
-.. 5.. -

9.. 14.. 0

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