Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

February 1793

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS508810154

Image 154 of 191

To the worshipful his Majestys
Justices of the peace for the County of
Middlesex at their General Session of
the Peace in and for the said County

The Humble Petition and Appeal of the
Churchwardens and Overseers of the poor of the
Parish of St John of Wapping in the County of


That by an Order of Removal under the Hands
and Seals of the Revd. Henry, Reynett Clerk, and Will
< no role > Esquire , two of his Majestys Justices of the
peace acting in and for the said County of Middlesex
(one whereof being of the Quorum) bearing Date the
16th. Day of January last, Sarah Stubbs< no role > the wife of
Robert Stubbs< no role > (who has left her) and her two Children,
(namely,) William James< no role > aged about three Years, and
Sarah< no role > aged about six Years Months the lawful
Issue by her said Husband, were removed from the
Precinct of St Catherine in the County of Middlesex
to the said Parish of St. John of Wapping as the Place
of their last legal Settlement

That your Petitioners conceive themselves
aggrieved by, the said Order, and do appeal
against the same

Your Petitioners therefore humbly
pray that a Day may be appointed
to hear and determine the Matter
of the said Appeal, and that all Parties
concerned may then attend

And your Petitioners shall ever pray Etc.

S Wegener Sollr for Appellts.

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