Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

April 1793

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS508830262

Image 262 of 282

Mr Gibbes presents hes Complements to
Mr Shrling & begs to know whether it be necessary
to have an Order, for the Recept of what is due for
the Broken time of his attending the Jails.
He attended them 5 Weeks, and it may save Mr Stg
the trouble of computation to inform him that it comes
to £9..12.3. he supposing from the Complaxion of
the Magistrates Conduct towards him, that they
woud confine themselves to the exact Sum, though
he cond most solemnly declare that besides what
he must have lost to a great Amount by the too, too
liberal Manner in which his poor Son conducted
the Business, the himself has been immediately
out Pocket by the Medicines which he could not
without injury to his Feelings avoid sending taking
no Account of the Fatrgue, loss of time, or hazard to
his Life during his personal Attendance.

If an Order be necessary Mr G will be muchs

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