<div1 type="SM_PSpage" id="LMSMPS50883PS508830262"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMSMPS508830262"></xptr>
<p n="1688">Mr Gibbes presents hes Complements to<lb></lb>
Mr Shrling & begs to know whether it be necessary<lb></lb>
to have an Order, for the Recept of what is due for<lb></lb>
the Broken time of his attending the Jails.<lb></lb>
He attended them 5 Weeks, and it may save Mr Stg<lb></lb>
the trouble of computation to inform him that it comes<lb></lb>
to £9..12.3. he supposing from the Complaxion of<lb></lb>
the Magistrates Conduct towards him, that they<lb></lb>
woud confine themselves to the exact Sum, though<lb></lb>
he cond most solemnly declare that besides what<lb></lb>
he must have lost to a great Amount by the too, too<lb></lb>
liberal Manner in which his poor Son conducted<lb></lb>
the Business, the himself has been immediately<lb></lb>
out Pocket by the Medicines which he could not<lb></lb>
without injury to his Feelings avoid sending taking<lb></lb>
no Account of the Fatrgue, loss of time, or hazard to<lb></lb>
his Life during his personal Attendance.</p>
<p n="1689">If an Order be necessary Mr G will be muchs</p>

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