Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

October 1797

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS509420052

Image 52 of 5820th June 1797

To his Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the County of Middlesex in
Session assembled.

The Memorial of Joseph Burchell< no role > their Treasurer


That having compleated his duty in the execution of the two several
Statutes passed in 1795 and 1796 for supplying the Navy and Army with Volunteers
he humbly craves an allowance for his care and trouble pursuant to the directions of the
same Statutes.

That the first having been done under the direction and management of
the Commissioners of the Navy Your Memorialist hath underwrote a Copy of a testimonial
of their approbation of his Conduct and which is humbly submitted to your consideration

Navy Office 20th. June 1797 .

"We have received Your accounts of Bounty received and Paid by you as
"Treasurer of the County of Middlesex under the Act of the 35th. of his present Majesty Capr 5
"for raising Men for the Navy by which it appears that the balance Vizt.. £515..4..9 has
"been Paid over to the Receiver General which with the sum of £3740..1..8 by you paid to
"the Treasurer of the Navy on the 12th. August 1795 and a further sum of Seven Hundred
"and Seventy five pounds Fifteen Shillings and four Pence Paid also to the Treasurer of the Navy
"on the 26th. day of October 1795 makes the sum Total accounted for £5031..1..9 And we
"take this opportunity of testifying that Your readiness in complying with our directions
"for the Payment of the same meets with our entire approbation

We are Sir

Your hble Servts.

C. Hope
J Himlow
Geo: Marsh< no role >

Copies of Deputy Receiver Generals receits
3d March 13th.. June 1797

Received of Joseph Burchell< no role > Esqr .. Trarsurer for the County of Middx the sum of £525..10.9 the
balance of his account of the monies by him received pursuant to the 35th.. of his present Majesty
relative to the Navy Bounty and by me received in Pursuance of the 37th. of his present Majesty
relative to the Army and Navy


John Juland Rawlinson< no role > Depy Recr ..

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