Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

October 1798

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS509530125

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The King
John Ferrier< no role > }
On the Prosecution of
Joseph Benjn Townley< no role >
& others for a Misdemeanor

William Gillies< no role > of Caroline Street Bedford
Square in the County of Middlesex Esquire maketh Oath
and Saith That he this Deponent together with Sir Robt.
< no role > of Hans Place Sloane Street became Bail before
the Appearance of the above named defendant at September
Session last to answer the above Indictment And this
deponent saith that he was induced to become Bail for
the said Defendant not only out of respect to his Father
who is a Gentleman of Character and reputation at
Estemount in Angusshire Scotland and a Particular friend
of this deponent confidence the said Sir Robert Turing< no role > but also
having full confidence that the Defendant would have
Surrendered himself and answered the charge made against
him And this deponent further saith that he hath since the
receipt of the Letter hereto annexed made diligent search after
the said defendant in order and to have Surrendered him to answer
the said Indictment and although this Deponent hath
Seen Letters from him directed to the said Sir Robt Turing
yet he hath not been able and doth belive he shall not he
able to take him so as to render him during the Present
Session but hopes and has every reason to believe the shall be
able by the next Session to bring the said Defendant into this
Honorable Court to take his Trial upon the said Indictment
which this Deponent will endeavour to do and therefore
Prays this Honorable Court to respite the Recognizance
till that time

Sworn in Court
the 27th: day of October 1798}


William Gillies< no role >

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