Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

October 1798

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS509530144

Image 144 of 308

to wit}

Whereas Elizabeth Blake< no role > Singlewoman in her Examination
in Writing and upon Oath the Fourth - day of June last
before George Mercer< no role > Esquire One of his Majesty Justices of the
Peace in and for the said County of Middlesex did declare that
She was delivered of Female Bastard Child in the Workhouse of
the Parish of St. Mary le Bone on the First day of January lastwhich said Child was and
is now Chargeable to the said Parishin the First day of
January last
And further that Charles Cooper< no role > of No. 13 in
Stewards Lane in the Parish of St. Mary at Islington Coachmaker was
the real and true Father of the said Bastard Child And
Whereas the said Charles Cooper< no role > did in Consequence thereof
enter into Recognizance with sufficient Sureties to abide and
perform such Order as should be made in pursuance of the Act
of the 18th.. Year of the Reign of her late Majesty Queen Elizabeth
These are therefore to Certify his Majesty's Justices of the Peace
for this County that the said Charles Cooper< no role > hath clearly indemnify
and exonerated the said Parish of St. Mary le Bone for and on
Account of all and all Manner of Expences which have been
incurred by reason of the Maintenance and lying of the said
Elizabeth Blake< no role > and all other Expences relative thereto Witness
our Hands this 24th day of October 1798

W Morris
J Nicholls

to wit}

Thomas Carpenter< no role > maketh Oath and Saith that he did seep
William Morris< no role > the Churchwarden and John Nicholls< no role >
the Overseer of the Poor of the Parish of St. Mary le Bone
Severally Sign their Names to the above Certificate.

Sworn the 24th day of
October 1798 Before}

G Mercer

Thomas Carpenter< no role >

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