Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

May 1799

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS509600036

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Middlesex May Sessions 1799

The King on the Prosecution of Thomas Humpley< no role >


Daniel Morerod< no role > for Assaulting the said
Thomas Humphreys< no role > in the Execution of his
Office as a Penny Postman

Bail on pleading Not Guilty for Defendant are-William
< no role > of No.221 Oxford Street in the County of Middlesex
Cheesemonger and Thomas Morgan< no role > of Carnaby Market
in the Parish of Saint James in the Liberty of Westminster
in the said County of Middlesex Fruiterer and Green Grocer

Sworn in open Court at the Session
House on Clerkenwell Green this-
day of May 1799}

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