<div1 type="TH_MCpage" id="LMTHMC55202MC552020182"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="LMTHMC552020182"></xptr>
<p n="1021"> <note type="authorial" place="margin">Xmas 3 Gurs from<lb></lb>
Xt:mas 1708 as to<lb></lb>
the other Three Houses<lb></lb>
At £2:10s: P Ann:<lb></lb>
till Xt:mas 1708 and<lb></lb>
from thence at £5:10d:<lb></lb>
P Ann:</note>
<p n="1022">Use, a Gateway under One of the Houses out of the Street into the Church Yard <lb></lb>
for 51: Yeares from Michas next as to two of three Houses, and for 49 Yeares farm<figure rend="mark"></figure>
at £5:10s P Ann: He is to lay out £200: in Building<lb></lb>
4 New Brick Houses or more, within 3 yeares, The Gateway to be<lb></lb>
made as wide as <rs type="placeName" id="LMTHMC55202_geo257">the passage</rs>
<interp inst="LMTHMC55202_geo257" type="placeName" value="the passage"></interp>
<interp inst="LMTHMC55202_geo257" type="type" value="undefined"></interp>
is now, out of <rs type="placeName" id="LMTHMC55202_geo258">St Thomas's Street</rs>
<interp inst="LMTHMC55202_geo258" type="placeName" value="St Thomas's Street"></interp>
<interp inst="LMTHMC55202_geo258" type="type" value="undefined"></interp>
to part of these Houses, and the Highth of the first Storey:</p>
<p n="1023">He put 10 into the Poors Box</p>
<p n="1024">Mr: Skingle prays an Allowance for Damage by the Great<lb></lb>
Storme to be Further Considered of by this Comittee</p>
<p n="1025">Mr. Trear Reported from Sub Comittee for the <rs type="placeName" id="LMTHMC55202_geo259">New Street</rs>
<interp inst="LMTHMC55202_geo259" type="placeName" value="New Street"></interp>
<interp inst="LMTHMC55202_geo259" type="type" value="undefined"></interp>
, That they<lb></lb>
had Agreed the Street before Mr Rydoubts House & Virgam House<lb></lb>
should be paved, and Referred it to Mr: Trear to adjust with the<lb></lb>
Tennats of the Houses lyeing Contignous, what shall be Allowed by<lb></lb>
them towards the Charge of paving<del>And that they have</del>
and how they may be obliged to pay, if they should refuse to<lb></lb>
Contribute. And that the Comittee had Agreed that a Ground<lb></lb>
Rent of £6:12s: P Ann. should be sett upon the Ground from<lb></lb>
<rs type="placeName" id="LMTHMC55202_geo260">the Crosse Alley</rs>
<interp inst="LMTHMC55202_geo260" type="placeName" value="the Crosse Alley"></interp>
<interp inst="LMTHMC55202_geo260" type="type" value="undefined"></interp>
to the <rs type="placeName" id="LMTHMC55202_geo261">Maze</rs>
<interp inst="LMTHMC55202_geo261" type="placeName" value="Maze"></interp>
<interp inst="LMTHMC55202_geo261" type="type" value="undefined"></interp>
Poud, being about 131 foot in length<lb></lb>
and about 25: feet in<gap reason="illegible"></gap>
depth: Exclusive of the street which is<lb></lb>
to be about Eighteen feet wide</p>
<p n="1026"> <note type="authorial" place="margin">T: S: T: D & Mr: A:<lb></lb>
Refused the Staffs</note>
New Governrs: Chosen Vizt: <rs type="persName" id="LMTHMC55202_n1026-1">Gregory Page</rs>
<interp inst="LMTHMC55202_n1026-1" type="given" value="Gregory"></interp>
<interp inst="LMTHMC55202_n1026-1" type="surname" value="Page"></interp>
<interp inst="LMTHMC55202_n1026-1" type="gender" value="male"></interp>
Eaqr:<del>& <rs type="persName" id="LMTHMC55202_n1026-2">Thomas Seawen</rs>
<interp inst="LMTHMC55202_n1026-2" type="given" value="Thomas"></interp>
<interp inst="LMTHMC55202_n1026-2" type="surname" value="Seawen"></interp>
<interp inst="LMTHMC55202_n1026-2" type="gender" value="male"></interp>
Mr. <rs type="persName" id="LMTHMC55202_n1026-3">Thomas Cary</rs>
<interp inst="LMTHMC55202_n1026-3" type="given" value="Thomas"></interp>
<interp inst="LMTHMC55202_n1026-3" type="surname" value="Cary"></interp>
<interp inst="LMTHMC55202_n1026-3" type="gender" value="male"></interp>
, Buttolph Lane, Mr <rs type="persName" id="LMTHMC55202_n1026-4">Edward Leeds</rs>
<interp inst="LMTHMC55202_n1026-4" type="given" value="Edward"></interp>
<interp inst="LMTHMC55202_n1026-4" type="surname" value="Leeds"></interp>
<interp inst="LMTHMC55202_n1026-4" type="gender" value="male"></interp>
<rs type="persName" id="LMTHMC55202_n1026-5">Thomas Dixon</rs>
<interp inst="LMTHMC55202_n1026-5" type="given" value="Thomas"></interp>
<interp inst="LMTHMC55202_n1026-5" type="surname" value="Dixon"></interp>
<interp inst="LMTHMC55202_n1026-5" type="gender" value="male"></interp>
Mr <rs type="persName" id="LMTHMC55202_n1026-6">Robt: Jeffs</rs>
<interp inst="LMTHMC55202_n1026-6" type="given" value="Robt"></interp>
<interp inst="LMTHMC55202_n1026-6" type="surname" value="Jeffs"></interp>
<interp inst="LMTHMC55202_n1026-6" type="gender" value="male"></interp>
Hosier. Mr:Blundell, Surgeon & Mr Ambrose Crawly<lb></lb>
Ordered Staffs to be sent to them.</p>
<p n="1027">Report to be prepared for Generall Court.</p>
<p n="1028">Mrs: <rs type="persName" id="LMTHMC55202_n1028-1">Sarah Thomas</rs>
<interp inst="LMTHMC55202_n1028-1" type="given" value="Sarah"></interp>
<interp inst="LMTHMC55202_n1028-1" type="surname" value="Thomas"></interp>
<interp inst="LMTHMC55202_n1028-1" type="gender" value="female"></interp>
's Peticon referred to Sub Comittee for Trears<lb></lb>
Hous, who are to make her such Allowance as they shall Judge<lb></lb>
fitt, and they are like wise to make an Allowance to the Tennant<lb></lb>
of the House late Watts's, adjoyneing to the Trears House, for<lb></lb>
the Damage by them respectively reced upon the Building of<lb></lb>
that House</p>
<p n="1029">Mrs. <rs type="persName" id="LMTHMC55202_n1029-1">Frances Norgates</rs>
<interp inst="LMTHMC55202_n1029-1" type="given" value="Frances"></interp>
<interp inst="LMTHMC55202_n1029-1" type="surname" value="Norgates"></interp>
<interp inst="LMTHMC55202_n1029-1" type="gender" value="male"></interp>
Petition, Read: if a propper Way cant<lb></lb>
be found out to Satisfy the Parchaser, the Comittee will Consider<lb></lb>
further of her request for a New Lease</p>
<p n="1030">Mrs Bury Complined of Mrs: Langhams Incroachmt: upon for<lb></lb>
Ground; Mr Trear is desired to Veiw it with some of the<lb></lb>

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