Ordinary of Newgate Prison:
Ordinary's Accounts: Biographies of Executed Convicts

24th September 1722

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LL ref: OA172209242209240006

27th August 1724

9. JAMES LINCOLN< no role > , was also convicted of the Murder of the said Peter Martin< no role > , Pensioner of Chelsea College : He was something younger, and of a Nature something more soften'd with Humanity, then his Comrade Wilkinson: He mention'd several Robberies, but none remarkable, committed between Hamp-stead , Tottenham , and Pancrass ; on Foot commonly; and sometimes, only with a Sick; he said, he never got above 4 l. at a Time. They robb'd Esquire Fielding, near Hide-Park Well , of a Watch, some Gold, &c. He also said, That had he a golden Earth, and ow'd so much to injur'd People, he would most freely and gladly restore it to them; but he had nothing to restore.

They had form'd a Conspiracy, to robb his Grace the Duke of New-Castle of his George, which being fasten'd to the Garter, they expected easily to have perform'd the Fact; that they waited (I think) 4 Nights, near the Pump, at the End of Queen street, expecting his Grace to return from Court, on the Collar-Day.

At the Tree he also deny'd the murder of the Pensioner; said, he forgave William Lock< no role > , tho' he had taken his Life; and added, at last, that he dyed a Roman Catholick.

10. WILLIAM HADDEN< no role > , was convicted of Returning from Transportation, before the Expiration of 14 Years.

He was 32 Years of Age; born in Kent of mean, but honest Parents; who yet took no great Care to instruct him in Letters. He receiv'd the Sarcament with a Multitude of Tears, and left the World with the more earnest Expressions, and loud Invocations to Heaven.

11. EWARD MIRES< no role > , was convicted also of Returning from Transportation, &c.

He was 17 Years old, born 10 Miles from London, sent thither to be 'Prentice to a Sawyer ; after 3 Years, ran into Kent ; got to be Receiver of the Turnpike on Deptford Road : Not liking the Trouble, left it: Robb'd a Sweetheart of a Ring, which he gave to another Sweetheart Lodg'd in Southwark; in Company, they talk'd how an old Woman had thriv'd, who had liv'd over against 'em; he watched the old Woman one Day saw her go out, got into her House thro' the back Yard, stole Spoons, Rings, no Linnen; being taken, a Coral was found upon him; his Character was so good before the Justice, that he promis'd to assist him at Maidstone Assizes, tho' he was forc'd to commit him, but yet he was there convicted; Transported. He said at first they were chain'd down in Darkness in the Ship, but afterwards serv'd on Deck being useful: But fell to a severe Master on the Coast of America , having only a Shirt and Skins ty'd for Shoes, and Indian Corn to eat. He was sold to a Carpenter, for 15 l. travell'd from one Plantation to another, 3800 Miles Westward, liv'd by Anapolis; travell'd to the Borders of Canada , got there about Christmas, before the Harvest of their Indian Corn. He was mindful of his Duty.

AT the Tree, all Confest their Offences but Wilkinson and Lincoln. Milsop hop'd (he said) none would reflect on his Innocent Parents; hop'd God would pardon his great Sin in shooting his Pistol into the Coach he robb'd by Fig-Lane before ever he spoke; and also abusing a single Woman by Cane Wood , whom he first robb'd of an Apron, Necklace, &c.

Haden deliver'd me a Paper before he dy'd Containing, I liv'd honestly, till 5 Years ago, drinking with some Friends, to Excess, one slipt out, without paying his Share; we mist him, followed him Home; he being in Bed, we took his Clock, and pawn'd it at the said Ale-house, for 8 s. About a Year after, he took me up, from my Work, had me Cast at Maidstone Assizes, for Transportation. Being in the Ship the Transports mutinied; I standing on the Deck, was push'd over Board, but taken up a-live; returning to London, was taken, and am to dye: I pray God pardon all who have injured me, especially the Captain, who knew me Innocent of the Mutiny.

W. Hadden

The Paper that was deliver'd to me, just after the Morning Sermon, the Day before they dyed, by Wilson, must be inserted after the Account of Mr. Brinsden, for want of Room here

N. B. The Account of Matthias Brinsden< no role > who Murdered his Wife, being very Large, and Remarkable (in particular as to the Incest of his Daughter) we are obliged to refer it to a single Paper, which will be published Too-morrow, about 12 o-Clock. Note, if any Paper should come out concerning Mr. Brinsden besides what is Printed by me John Applebee< no role > , is spurious and false.

T. PURNEY, Ordinary, and Chaplain.

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