City of Westminster Coroners:
Coroners' Inquests into Suspicious Deaths

3rd January 1763 - 30th December 1763

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Currently Held: Westminster Abbey Muniment Room

LL ref: WACWIC652030202

Image 202 of 44122nd June 1763

City and Liberty of
Westminster the County
of Middlesex }

Informations taken this 22d. day of June 1763 .
at the Parish of St. George Hanover Square within the
Liberty of Westmr. in the County of Middlesex on an
Inquisition taken on view of the Body of John Clarke< no role >
lying Dead in the said Parish

John Burney< no role > Labourer to Mr. Thomas Phillips< no role > of Duke
Street Piccadilly Pavior, on his Oath saith, that Yesterday
Afternoon about there o Clock, Deponent was at Work at
a Building belonging to John Domer< no role > Esqr. in Dean Street
in the Parish of St. George Hanover Square , where DecedDeponent
was also at Work (being a Labourer) Says that he saw
Deponent going down a Plank towards the Foundation
from whencefromhe had been carrying out the Earth, says that Deced
in going along said Blank fell down to the Ground where
were Rubbish lying loose, and that another Person
(whose Name is Dunn & a Labourer of the same Building)
fell down of the same time, Deponent says that he
immediately went down to Deced, and that some People
that were there had revised the Deced up, but Deced green
having a Bruise in his Forehead, says that a Surgeon
was sent for who bled the Deced, but the Deced examined
Speechless, and immediately after Died, Deponent says
that he was at Work there all the Day and heard of no
Quarrel happening between the Deced and any of his
fellow Workmen.

John Burney< no role >

Michael Dunn< no role > at the Hampshire Hog Yard St. Giles's
Labourer to Mr. Phillips, on his Oath saith, That Yesterday
Afternoon about three o Clock Deponent was at Work with
Deced at a Building belonging to John Domer< no role > Esqr . Dean
Street , Says that he was going along a Board with Deced
Deced being foremost) when Deced's foot slipt and Deced
fell down to the Ground, where there were some loose Bricks
and a Wooden Blank, Says that in endeavouring to catch the

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