City of Westminster Coroners:
Coroners' Inquests into Suspicious Deaths

3rd January 1766 - 29th December 1766

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Currently Held: Westminster Abbey Muniment Room

LL ref: WACWIC652060389

Image 389 of 68611th July 1766

City & Liberty of Westmr . in the
County of Middlesex }

Informations taken this Eleventh day of
July 1766 at the Parish of St. James within the
Liberty of Westmr. in the County of Middlesex on
an Inquisition touching the Death of Richard
< no role > lying Dead in the said Parish Liberty
and County

Elizabeth Erwin< no role > Servant to James Warren< no role > a Green Grocer
in Carnaby Market in the Parish of St James Westmr. on her
Oath saith, That on Tuesday the first day of this Instant July
Dept. was at Mr. Richard Porter< no role > the Sign of the Butcher's Anns
in Carnaby Market in a backroom about ten oClock in
the Evening, Says that on hearing a Noise in the Tap room
Dept. went into the Taproom, and there saw Richard
< no role > the Deced lye upon a Bench in the Taproom
and two Lads John Cherrick< no role > and Joseph (whose Sir name
Dept. does not Know) beating the Deced with their Hands
upon his Head, Says that Deced with his Hand threw one
of the Boys down, and that the Boys afterwards pulled the
Deced off the Bench to the Floor and beat him upon his
Head and Stomach on the Floor with their hands only
Says that Mr. Carter came up Stairs out of the Cellar
and struck both the Boys and took them away,
Says that the Deced got up, saying that his Eye was
hurt and went out of the House, Dept. being very
much in Liquor, Says that Deced did not come home
that Night, Says that Deced came to the Butcher's
Arms the Next day (where Deced lodged) about ten or
eleven o'Clock and brought some Peas with them which
he Shelled and then appeared to be pretty well, but said
that the Boys had used him crooked by and he would use
them so, and Dept. then observed his Right Eye was red
Says that the Deced did not cat much Dinner but did
not complain of being hurt. Says that the Deced got
drunk that Afternoon and played at Husle Cap, Says
that the Deced was ill on Thursday and Dept thought

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