City of Westminster Coroners:
Coroners' Inquests into Suspicious Deaths

4th January 1771 - 26th December 1771

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Currently Held: Westminster Abbey Muniment Room

LL ref: WACWIC652110227

Image 227 of 64815th May 1771

Kitchin when she saw Mark Aldersey< no role > the Deced who
was waiter to Mr. Howell put some Powder into a Large
Water Glass, and afterwards put some Cold and some wor
Water to it, and after stirring it for sometime Deced
[..] it all and afterwards drewmore water into
the Glass and drank it, Says that after he had taken
the Shiff, he was very uneasy cryed much and said
that he should not live long, That he went up stairs and
rang a Bell, upon which Depont. went up and found
him vomiting and appearing in great Agony, Says
that upon asking him what he had taken Deced
told her that he had taken half an once of Sublimate
which was Poison, and that he shod. not lives Says
that he had a Violent Purging and Vomiting, which
continued until Yesterday Evening Says that the Deced
was bled on Friday, and that he afterwards pulled the
Bandage off his Arm which then bled a great dealmore
in Bed, Says that he died about Eleven o' Clock this day
Says tha the Deced has been given to drinking for about
two Years Last past, more than usual and that he was
after drinking uneasy and disturbed in his Mind
saying that he should be remined, Says that he then looked
wild and distracted, and Dept. believes that he was
at those times out of his Senses. but at other times
could do his Business and appeared sensible Says that
the Deced was out drinking on Thursday Night last
and game home between Eleven and Twelve o' Clock
in Liquor, Says that the Deced on last Friday Morning
looked very wild, and trembled much, and appeared
more Disordered & Confused than he had ever been
before Says that Deced told her several times that

his Father and two of his Brethers has made away
with themselves.

The Mark of
Sarah Tatham< no role >

Dorothy Howell< no role > the Wife of William Howell< no role >
Mistress to the Deced on her Oath saith that the Deced
has lived with her as a Waite seven Years, That his
Behaviour for the two last Years has been different
from what it used to be, and Dept. believes that the
Deced was at tunes Disordered in his Senses.

Dorothy Howell< no role >

Severally Sworn the Day
Year and Place above
mentioned before me
Tho Prickard< no role > Coroner }

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