City of Westminster Coroners:
Coroners' Inquests into Suspicious Deaths

4th January 1771 - 26th December 1771

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Currently Held: Westminster Abbey Muniment Room

LL ref: WACWIC652110239

Image 239 of 64817th May 1771

City & Liberty of
Westmr . in the County
of Middlesex }

Informations taken this Seventeenth day
of May 1771 at the Parish of St. Anne within the Liberty
of Westmr . in the County of Middlesex upon an Inquisition
touching the Death of Elizabeth Osborn< no role > lying dead in the
said Parish Liberty and County

John Brussins< no role > of Denmark Street in the Parish of
St. Giles in the Fields Apothcary on his Oath saith that
on Wednesday Night last (May 15) between Eleven and
Twelve o'Clock, Mr. Roberts & Mr. James came to Dept. and Mr. Roberts told him that
he believed his Maid was dead, I desired him to come to her as
fast as he could, Says that he went with Mr. Roberts to his
House in Oxford Street Road , and found the Deced lying in the Bed
on which she usually lay two Stories high, Says that Deced
was black in her face with a large Silk Handkerchief troice
around her Neck and tied with two Knots pretty Tight, the
Neck being Swelled and the Blood Settled in the Neck and face
above the Handkerchief, Says that he untied the Handkerchief
and afterwards Examined the Deced, and found that she was
dead and had been dead sometime, which made it unnecessary
for Dept. to do any thing for her Recovery, Says that he Examined
the Body farther, but found no other Marks of violence thereon
Says that he believes the Deced tied the Handkerchief around
her Neck herself, without any intention to destroy herself,
and believes that she was Strangled and Suffocated.

John Brussins< no role >

John Roberts< no role > of OxfordRoadStreet in the Parish of St. Anne
Westminster Distiller on his Oath saith that Elizabeth osborne< no role > [..]
the Deced did live Servant with this Dept. almost a Year, that
she left him about Six months ago, and came again into his
Service, about three Weeks ago, Says that the Deced was fond of
Liquor and was frequently Indonated, Says that on Wednesday
last about Eight o'Clock in the Evening (May 15) Dept. went out
Locked his Street Door and took the Key in his Pocket, leaving
the Deced in his Shop, being in Liquor as Dept believes, Says
that he returned home about a Quarter after Eleven o' Clock
found his Door Locked as he left if, Unlocked the Door with his
Key and went in, Says that he went upstairs in order to

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