City of Westminster Coroners:
Coroners' Inquests into Suspicious Deaths

4th January 1771 - 26th December 1771

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Currently Held: Westminster Abbey Muniment Room

LL ref: WACWIC652110248

Image 248 of 64824th May 1771

times Disordered in his Senses.

Wm. Hollings< no role >

Morris Evans< no role > of Piccadilly Grocer on his Oath
saith That he has known the Deced Mr. Norman
about four and Twenty Years, That the Deced for several
Years lack past appeared to be dejected and low Spirited
and Dept. believes that the Deced Evas at times Disordered
in his Senses.

Morris Evans< no role >

Joseph Goodall< no role > of Crown Street Westmr . Gentleman
on his Oath saith That she has known the Deced about
Eight and Twenty Years, Says that the Deced has been
very low Spirited and uneasy in his Mind for several may and believes
that he was at times Disordered in his Senses.

Joseph Goodall< no role >

Mary Hammond< no role > Servant to Mr. Norman the Deced
on her Oath saith that she hath lived there about seen
four and five Years, and that the Deced hath been
low Spirited at times, during the time that she lived here
That the Deced Breakfasted this Morning with Mr.
Norman in their Dining Room in the Dwelling House
of Mr. Robert Jones< no role > in Vine Street , Says that after the
Deced had Breakfasted he went out of the Room, and on
Mrs. Norman asking him where he was going Deced said
that he was going into the Yard, it being then about Ten
o' Clock, Says that she was Busy in the Bad chamber on
the First Floor, and in about half on hour when she had
done, Dept. went down Stairs and on opening the Kitchin
Door She was Deced sitting in a Chair and suspected that
he was Dead, Says that she was frightened and immediately
called down Dorothy Fife< no role > Mr. Jones Servant who was
Securing the Passage, Says that Mrs. Jones went down into
the Kitchen and returned immediately saying that Mr.
Norman was dead, and the Deced afterwards saw the Deced
Says that she believes that the Deced shot himself
and that he was Disordered in his Senses.

The Mark of
Mary Hammond< no role > .

Mary< no role > the Wife of Robert Jones< no role > of Vine Street St. Jone
Wine Merchant on her Oath saith That Thomas Norman< no role >
the Deced has lodged with Dept almost Ten Year, Says
that being in her back Parlour this Morning ,she hearing
her Maid & the Deced's Maid Servant talking in the Passage
went to them and was desired by the Deced's Maid to
go into her Kitchin, upon which she went and there saw to
Deced sitting in a Chair appearing to be dead, a great
dead ofsome Blood and a Pistol being upon the Floor, Says
that she believes the Deced shot himself.

Mary Jones< no role >

Severally Sworn the Day Year
and Place abovementioned
before me
Tho. Prickard< no role > Coroner }

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