City of Westminster Coroners:
Coroners' Inquests into Suspicious Deaths

4th January 1771 - 26th December 1771

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Currently Held: Westminster Abbey Muniment Room

LL ref: WACWIC652110264

Image 264 of 64811th June 1771

City & Liberty of
Westmr . in the
County of Midsex }

Informations taken this Eleventh day of June 1771 at
the Parish of St. Margaret within the Liberty of Westmr . in the
County of Middlesex upon an Inquisition touching the Death of
a Woman Unknown lying dead a [..] in thesaidParish of St. Margaret
in the said Liberty & County.

John Jackson< no role > of Knightsbridge Surgeon on his Oath saith That he this
day Examined the Body of a Woman lying dead in the Watch house at
Knightsbridge , and opened part of the Scalp of her Head, and did not
find that the Skull was Fractured, nor has he any reason to believe
from the appearance of the Body, that the Deced had reced any hurt to
cause her Death and Says that the Deced appeared to have lain
a considerable time in the Water, the Body being in a State of

J Jackson

Thomas Exton< no role > of Knightsbridge Butcher on his Oath saith, That
he was walking an Hyde Park near the Head of the Serpentine
River, Yesterday about four o' Clock in the Afternoon when he saw
the back part of the Deced's Head in the River about Seven Yards
form the Shore, but was not at first sure what it was, Says that he
threw some Stones into the River one of which a lighted upon the
Deced's Head, which he was convinced that ie was a dead Body, Says that he
called a Person who had been Bathing in the River (whose Name is Thomas
< no role > ) who came there, and took off his Shoes & Stockings and [..]
up his Breeches Knees, and then went into the River Says that with a
Lamp lighter's Ladder which he had in his Names the [..]
Differently moved the Body of the Deced who lay in the Water with her force
downwards, and pulled her to the Shore in the Parish of St. Margaret Westmr .
Says that the Deced appeared to have lain some time in the Water, her
Lips being Swelled, and that She bled at the Mouth, Which Dept. believe was
occasioned by her being rubbed with the Ladder, and saw Says that he observed
no other Mark of violence upon the Deced. Says that the Deced's
Pockets were Searched in Depts. presence by Wm Hughson< no role > when he found therein a
Thimble, Pincushing and a fit of Ribbon, but no Money.

Thomas Exton< no role >

Severally Sworn the Day Year &
Place abovementioned, before me
Tho Prickard< no role > Coroner .}

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