City of Westminster Coroners:
Coroners' Inquests into Suspicious Deaths

5th January 1793 - 30th December 1793

About this document type

Currently Held: Westminster Abbey Muniment Room

LL ref: WACWIC652330325

Image 325 of 80110th June 1793

City & Liberty of Westmr .
in the County of Midsex}

Informations taken this tenth day of June 1793
at the Dwelling House of Thomas lyres< no role >
in Great Windmill Street Parish of St. James '
Westminster Sign of the Red Lyon touching the
Death of John Glenvell< no role > .

Autin Gorater helper in the Stable Yard of Mr. Hygow in
Windmill Street being sworn saith, that the Deced together with
Jacob Hunt< no role > was in the said Stable Yard on Friday Evening
that during the Evening they appeared to be wrestling with
each other in good humour, that in Wrestling they both
fell to the ground together upon the side, after which
they sore & packed very good Friends

The [mark] Mark of Austin Gorater< no role > .

Edward Johnson< no role > Coachman to Mr. Lygow being Sworn
saith, that, between the hours of four or five o'Clock
on Friday Afternoon the 7 Anne he saw the Deceased
fighting with Mr Lygow's Housekeeper in the Stable of the
said her Lygow-that this Deponent parted them
& went with this Depont. into a public & there drank
some Meer with him-they remained together about
aquarter of another & themleftwent away-this
Deponent further saith that, the Deced did not appear
or complain of being hurt, and he does not believe
that any Comity subsisted between the said parties.

E. Johnson

His Deponent retioned about Six o'Clock or half past
in the same Evening, he went immediatly with John
Hurst into a steble where he saw the Deced who appeared
to be very ill & said that he had bust his Bladder but of
his own Knowledge he does not known what was the Cause
of his Complaints.

E Johnson

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