City of Westminster Coroners:
Coroners' Inquests into Suspicious Deaths

9th January 1794 - 27th December 1794

About this document type

Currently Held: Westminster Abbey Muniment Room

LL ref: WACWIC652340069

Image 69 of 78214th February 1794

able to receive the money fast enough
he then heard the Cries of Murder from some
Persons before him who said they should be
suffocated and knowing there were two Ladies
of his Acquaintance some where before him
he forced his way as fast as he could to the
bottom of the Steps and when he got there
he saw several Persons both Gents. & Ladies
lying down on the Floor Speech less and who
appeared to him to be dead two of which
Ladies this Deponent with some other
Persons conveyed from thence to Messicars
Longman & Broderips in the Haymarket
and the saw [..] Par [..] erone of which Ladattempt to blad one of the
ladies and he prepared the other for bleeding
and administred [..] spirit of Hart horn
[..] her and tryed other means for the
Reo [..] nery of both of them and then he
returned back to the Theatre [..] order to
often his Assistance to the rest, but seeing
no person then [..] that stood in nud of
it this Deponent went into the Theatre
in quest of his Friends which he found in
a Deplorable Situation, one of which
(Vizt. Mrs. Prior) still remains very ill.
from the ill upon of the Door keeper.
about two hours after he had been in the Theatre
he went out do Messr. Long mans and Brodri [..]
to inquire after the two Ladies and was informed
that they were both dead, and then Deponent
believesthatthese two Ladies respective deaths
were occasioned by Suffocation

Joshua Stephens< no role >

James Leighton< no role > of Manchester Square Surgeon
being sworn depouth & saith that he went in
Company with Miss Charlotte Bushnell< no role > to the
Little Theatre Haymarket in order to here gone into
the Pit and [..] in thein approaching the
deceased was forced before him a poor as the [..] ter Doors
[..] was opened and when he came to the Top of the
Steps be observed several Ladies at the bottom
fainting away and some by the Presence of the
Mob were forced down on the Passage Floor
he then called to the Door Rupers to open
the Door and admit some of the Ladies in
and offered to pay for an many as were ad-
mitted as their lives were in danger but
this was not complied with this Deponent
then forced his Way as soon as possible [..] and
found the deceased amongst other on the Floor
and with the Assistance of [..] another Person
(Mr. Halfred) they carried her Messr. Long many
and Brodniffs and used every means for
her Recovery but without Effect for [..]
and likewise called in Mr. Crukeshank
Surgeon and Mr. Potts Surgeon and others of

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