<div1 type="CW_ICpage" id="WACWIC65238IC652380179"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="WACWIC652380179"></xptr>
<p n="596">it appeared that at times he was in a <rs type="occupation" id="WACWIC65238_occ365">deranged</rs>
<interp inst="WACWIC65238_occ365" type="occupation" value="deranged"></interp>
State of Mind: That about ten o'Clock the<lb></lb>
same Evening this Deponent was sent for<lb></lb>
to came to the deceased, and was informed that<lb></lb>
the deceased was bleeding, but they did not then<lb></lb>
know but that it issued from his Nore as his<lb></lb>
Nose had for several day prior to his death<lb></lb>
bled at different times from the Exertion<lb></lb>
of a Cough attendant on the Fever but<lb></lb>
when this Deponent came to examine<lb></lb>
from whence the Blood issued in turning<lb></lb>
his head up aske lay in the Bed he<lb></lb>
observed a considerable Stream of Blood issuing<lb></lb>
from a Wound on the right Side of his Neck<lb></lb>
which he this Deponent immediately suppressed with his<lb></lb>
Finger at which time the deceased was quite<lb></lb>
insensible and from the Debility that the<lb></lb>
Constitution had suffered from the Fever<lb></lb>
he was unable to sustain such a lots of Blood<lb></lb>
and expired in about twenty Minutes after<lb></lb>
this Deponent had discovered the Wound.<lb></lb>
That upon examining the Bed a Pinknife<lb></lb>
was found therein with which this Deponent is<lb></lb>
of Opinion that the deceased gave himself the<lb></lb>
Wound in his Neck whereby he cut the Carotid<lb></lb>
Artery, and this Deponent her no doubt but<lb></lb>
that the deceased was in a Fit of Diliriuen<lb></lb>

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