City of Westminster Coroners:
Coroners' Inquests into Suspicious Deaths

3rd January 1798 - 31st December 1798

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Currently Held: Westminster Abbey Muniment Room

LL ref: WACWIC652380227

Image 227 of 89930th April 1798

City and Liberty
of Westminster
in the County of
Middlesex ,}
to wit.

An Inquisition Indented, taken for our Sovereign Lord the
King at the Dwelling House of Benjamin Lowe< no role > the Sign of the three Kings in Davies Street in the Parish of
St. George Hanover Square within the Liberty of the Dean and Chapter of the Collegiate Church
of St. Peter, Westminster , in the County of Middlesex , the thirtieth day of April
in the thirty eighth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord GEORGE the Third,
by the Grace of God, of Great-Britain, France, and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith,
and so forth, before Anthony Gell< no role > , Esq . Coroner of our said Lord the King for the said City
and Liberty, on View of the Body of Maria Charlotte Briand< no role > then and there
lying dead, upon the Oath of the several Jurors whose Names are here under written, and
Seals affixed, good and lawful Men of the said Liberty, duly chosen, who being then and
there duly sworn and charged to enquire for our said Lord the King, when, how, and by
what Means the said Maria Charlotte Briand came to her Death, do upon
their Oath say that the said Maria Charlotte Briand on the twenty ninth day of April in the aforesaid being alone in the Porsy
or Cellar belonging to the Dwelling House of John Tarrace< no role > in Bond
Street It so happened that the wearing Apparel which she the
said Maria Charlotte Briand then and there had or her
Body accidentally Casually & by Misfortune took fire, by
reason whereof & from the Smoke & Flame arising from
the said Fire she the said Maria Charlotte Briand was
then & there suffocated & burnt Of which said Suffocation
& Burning she the said Maria Charlotte Briand
then and there instantly died. And so the Jurors
aforesaid upon their Oath aforesaid do say that the
said Maria Charlotte Briand in manner & by the
means aforesaid accidentally casually & by Misfortune
came to her Death and not otherwise

IN WITNESS whereof, as well the said Coroner as the said Jurors, have to this Inqusition
set their Hands and Seals the Day, Year, and Place first above written.

Anthy Gell< no role >
Coroner }

Caleb Stedman< no role >
Jno Sydenham< no role >
Wm Low< no role >
William Edmunds< no role >
Willm. Pearson< no role >
Wm Gibson< no role >

Wm Webb< no role >
Robt Figg< no role > Junr
Thos Playfairs< no role >
Peter Moltoy< no role >
John Owell< no role >
John Andre< no role > :

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