City of Westminster Coroners:
Coroners' Inquests into Suspicious Deaths

2nd January 1799 - 28th December 1799

About this document type

Currently Held: Westminster Abbey Muniment Room

LL ref: WACWIC652390647

Image 647 of 85719th October 1799

City & Liberty
Westminter }

Information of Witnesses
taken this 19th. day of Oct. 1799
in the Parish of St Margaret
at the house of John Street the Sign
of the Green Coat Boy Tothill
Fields Bridewell before Anthy
< no role > Coroner for the City Liberty
aforesaid touching the Death
of Edward Jones< no role > a Prisoner in
Tothill Fields Bridewell then
and there lying dead as follow,
to Wit.

William Bryant< no role > Turnkey at Tothill Fields
Bridewell being Sworn deposith as follows to Wit
that on the 14th. June last part the said Edward
< no role > was committed to the said Prison as a
Rogue and Vagabond by Sir Wm. Addington
Height one by his Majestys Justices of the Peace
in and for the said City & Liberty as appears by
the Warrt. of Commitment this day produced
before the said Coroner and Jury which 7d. Edwd
< no role > appeared to be well altho in a [..] Street when he came into the
said Prison but has been ina rapid decline [..] and

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