St Clement Danes Parish:
Pauper Settlement, Vagrancy and Bastardy Exams

16th April 1785 - 12th January 1787

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Currently Held: Westminster Archives Centre

LL ref: WCCDEP358000102

Image 102 of 38625th August 1785

St Ct. Danes Augt. 25. 1785


taken and
at Nurse
Porters at
Low layton

to wit Elizabeth Naylor< no role > This name instance is in a workspace. Aged 35 years
or thereabouts upon her Oath Saith she never
was Married that she lived as a Hired Yearly Servt . with
a Mr. Nedham of Boswell Court in the said Parish
of Saint Clement Danes at the Yearly Wages's of 7
Guineas and Eight Pounds for the space of Two Years
path quitted her said Service about 7 Years since which
time she has done no Act Matter or thing whereby she
may have gained a Settlement elswhere And further
on her Voluntary Oath Saith that she is Pregnant
with a Child or Children which is or are likely to be Born
a Bastard or Bastards and to become Chargeable to the
said Parish of St. Clement Danes she being Poor &
unable to maintain the same when Bond And
further Saith that John Buchannan< no role > Esqr. who
lodges at Mr: Roch's the Corner of Fludgyer Street
and no one else is the father of the said Child he having had Carnal
Knowledge of this Examinants Body in or about
the Month of January last and that the said John
Buchannon and no other Person did be get the same
and that he is the real & true father thereof

Sworn this 25th
Augt. 1785 before
R Butler

The Mark of
[mark] Eliza Naylor< no role >

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