St Clement Danes Parish:
Pauper Settlement, Vagrancy and Bastardy Exams

20th May 1776 - 15th March 1779

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Currently Held: Westminster Archives Centre

LL ref: WCCDEP358080125

Image 125 of 3686th March 1777


Mary Grady< no role > aged about 32 Years on her Oath says
she is the Widow of Edward Grady< no role > who has been
Dead about 5 Years and with whom she Intermarried
at Limirick in the Kingdom of Ireland about Ten Years
ago and by whom she hath two Childn- now living
namely Darby Grady< no role > aged about Seven Years. & Jno-
< no role > aged about 5 Years both living in Ireland Says
she lived a hired Yearly Servant with one Thos- Cane< no role >
a Milkman in the Psh of St- Clemt- Danes in the County
of Middx and never gained any or- subseqt- Settlemt- in
London than as before monta- Says that [..] on the 5th-
Day of Febry last she was delivd- of a Male Bastd- Child
in the Workhouse belongg- to the sd- Psh of St- Clemt- Danes
which has since been Baptized by the name of Thomas< no role >
& is become chargeable to the said Parish she being
Poor & unable to maintain the same and that one
Matthew Cearagan< no role > Servant to one Mr- Rhodes a
Cowkeeper at Hogsdon is the Father thereof he havg-
had carnal Knowl of her Body sometime in the
Month of May last past but the particular Day she
does not now remember at Mr- English's a Milkman
in Swan Yard sd- Mary le Strand & at sevl- difft- times
afterwds- at one of which times he got her with Child of
the Male Bastd- Child of which she was so delivd- as
afsd- and that the sd- Mathew Cearagan< no role > & no other
person did beget the same & that he is the real &
true Father thereof

Sworn this 6th. Day of
March 1777 before me
R Butler

Mary [mark] Grady< no role >

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