St Clement Danes Parish:
Pauper Settlement, Vagrancy and Bastardy Exams

12th October 1768 - 21st October 1772

About this document type

Currently Held: Westminster Archives Centre

LL ref: WCCDEP358220168

Image 168 of 40426th July 1770


to wit James Birks< no role > [..] and William Gyblett< no role > Overseers of the
Parish of Saint Clement Danes maketh Oath that
Robt Scutt< no role > who has now left or deserted his Wife
and Three Children Namely Mary Anne< no role > aged
upwards of Six Years Elizth< no role > . Aged about 5 Years and
Sarah< no role > aged about 12 Months Says that the said
Robt. Scutt< no role > Rented and lived in a House known
by the Sign of the Mitre Alehouse in Chancery
Lane in the Parish of St. Dunstans in the
West in the City of London for Two Years or
thereabouts at the Yearly Rent of of Twenty
Pounds and upwards hath quitted his said House
about 4 Years ago and hath not since he quitted
the same ever Rented Ten pounds a Year paid
Taxes or lived a hired Yearly Servant for one
Year as the said Robt. Scutt< no role > hath since
Informed this Deponents and which this
Informant verily believes to be true

Sworn this 26th. day of
July 1770 before us
W Kelyngs R. Butler

James Birks< no role >
Willm: Gyblett< no role >

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