St Clement Danes Parish:
Pauper Settlement, Vagrancy and Bastardy Exams

12th October 1768 - 21st October 1772

About this document type

Currently Held: Westminster Archives Centre

LL ref: WCCDEP358220193

Image 193 of 40421st November 1770


June Chapman< no role > Aged about Twenty Seven Years on
her Oath Says she never was married nor ever Rented
House or paid Taxes says she lived a hired Yearly
Servant with Mr. Mylne of Arrundel Street in the parish
of Saint Clement Danes in the said County of Middlesex
upwards of one Year at the Yearly Wages of Eight Pounds
hath quitted her said Service about Three Weeks ago and
hath not since she quitted the same ever Rented House
or paid Taxes And Further upon her Oath says that on the
second Day of November in the Year of our Lord One thousand seven
hundred and sixty Nine she was Delivered of a Male Bastard Child
in the House of Thomas Wilson< no role > in Burleigh Court in the parish
of Saint Martin in the Fields in the Liberty of Westminster which hath
since been Baptized by the Name of Anthony< no role > and that Anthony
< no role > This name instance is in set 2062. late a Servant with Mr. Mylne of Arrundel Street in the
Strand is the true and Real Father of the said Male Bastard Child
of which she was so Delivered as aforesaid.

Sworn this 21st day of
Novr. 1770 before me} [..]

June Chapman< no role >

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