St Clement Danes Parish:
Pauper Settlement, Vagrancy and Bastardy Exams

20th June 1794 - 21st April 1795

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Currently Held: Westminster Archives Centre

LL ref: WCCDEP358240469

Image 469 of 47021st April 1795

St. Clement Danes

Westminster }

To Wit Rachel Knight aged 37 years
or thereabouts Wife of George Knight< no role > (now from her)
saith upon oath that she was married to her
Present Husband George Knight< no role > by Licence at the
Parish Church of St Pauls New york Feby: 8d. 1781
that her said Husband Rented and with this
Examinant Resided in a House no.13. Plumbers
Row in the Hamlett of Mile End old Towns for
the space of 18. months at the yearly Rent of 13
Guineas that they Quitted the same in or about
the year 1788. and that her said Husband nor this
Examinant hath not since Rented any House or
apartment of £10. Per Ann. or otherwise obtained
any subsequent Legal Settlement to the best of this
Examinants knowledge information or belief, that
she hath Two Children by her said Husband now
living namely Samuel Knight< no role > aged 13. years Born
in New york 1782 who is with his Father on Board the
Adament of 50 Guns in the West Indies and one
Infant with this Examinant unprovided for namely
Ann Knight< no role > aged 10. Months or thereabouts Born in
Hart Street Covent Garden 1794. that her said
Husband has been from her since Septr. 1794. that she
is destitute and unable to Provide for herself and Child
now with her without assistance

Sworn the 21
day of April 1795 } Cha: Churchill< no role > N Bond

Rachel Knight< no role >

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