St Clement Danes Parish:
Pauper Settlement, Vagrancy and Bastardy Exams

12th July 1795 - 14th November 1798

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Currently Held: Westminster Archives Centre

LL ref: WCCDEP358260168

Image 168 of 37431st December 1796

Saint Clement Danes

Westminster }

to wit Ann Lyman< no role > aged about 19 years
upon her Oath saith that she never was
Married that she was bound an Apprentice
to one Mrs. Lee in Still Yard Tower Hill in
the Parish Church of Saint Peter within
the Tower in the County of City of London
for Seven years that she Served her said
Mistress under the said Indenture for
near Three years when she and her
Mistress not agreeing her said Mistress gave
up the Remainder of her time and that
after she quitted her said Mistress she
never lived as a hired yearly Servant for
Twelve Months or done any Act Matter
or thing whereby she might have gained
a subsequent settlement

Sworn this 31st.
day of Decr: 1796
R Ford J Robinson

Ann [mark] Lyman
Witness B Newman

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