St Clement Danes Parish:
Pauper Settlement, Vagrancy and Bastardy Exams

12th July 1795 - 14th November 1798

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Currently Held: Westminster Archives Centre

LL ref: WCCDEP358260278

Image 278 of 3745th May 1798

Saint Clement Danes

Westminster }

to wit Henry Mullett< no role > aged about 41 years
upon his Oath saith that about 18 years ago
he Intermarried with Letitia< no role > his present
Wife at the Parish Church of Saint Brides by
whom he hath 5 Children living Rachael< no role > aged
about 12 years Elizth< no role > . aged about 9 years Letitia
< no role > about 6 years William< no role > aged about 7 years
and Hannah< no role > aged about 4 years That he this
Deponent Rented a Cellar of Mrs. Barnicot in
Essex Street unfurnished for Seven years at the
Weekly Rent of 3s/6d. and at the same time Rented a Stall of
a Mr. Sawer at the back of St. Clements at the
Weekly Rent of 1s/6d. That he hath quitted said
Cellar and Stall about Six years since which
time he hath not Rented any house Tenement
or Lodging of Ten Pounds a year paid Taxes
or done any Act Matter or thing whereby he
might have gained a subsequent Settlement

Sworn this 5th.
day of May 1798
before me} Saml. Edward< no role >

Henry [mark] Mullett< no role >

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