St Clement Danes Parish:
Minute Books of Parish Vestry Sub-Committees

17th April 1771 - 15th December 1775

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Currently Held: Westminster Archives Centre

LL ref: WCCDMO361000101

Image 101 of 27913th November 1772


Folio 2 Rent 38. George Nixon< no role > Inspector£1..18s-
3 16 Widow Farrer - gone away and very Poor..8s-
18 William Trotter< no role > - gone away before the Book made out..4s 6D
5 30 Mr. Pearce - broke half a year cost..15s-
60 James Clark< no role > £1..10s- arr.
60 Susanna Seraston< no role > - Dead£1..10s- arr.
50 John Lee< no role > Esqr .£1..5s- arr. Pd.
6 50 Geo: Richardson< no role > £1..5s- arr. Pd.
50 Henry Goodwyn< no role > Esqr .£1..5s- arr. Pd.
7 40 William Oram< no role > £1- - arr.
35 John Stevenson< no role > - Poor..17s-6d
13 50 Jeremiah Sisson< no role > - Empty first half year abated..12s-6d
14 12 William Jones< no role > - Promises to pay..6s- arr. Pd.
16 Peter Lambert< no role > - Run away..16s-
16 Richd: Aman< no role > - Promises to pay..8s- arr.
16 John Haslop< no role > - Ditto..8s- arr.
16 Wm. Harrison< no role > - Empty half year abated- 4s -
15 16 Thos: Moore< no role > - Wm. Chapman< no role > run away..16s- arr.
18 Wm. NemmeDitto..18s-
18 Robt. Taylor< no role > - cant find him..9s-
16 John Gallaway< no role > - Empty half Quarter abated cost..2s-
16 75 Thomas Clifton< no role > - in Goal£3..15s -
90 Aggay Cowherd< no role > - cant find him£4..10s-
7 100 James Brooks< no role > - a Bankrupt£3..15s- arr.
6 Wm. Webb< no role > - Poor a Watchman..6s-
18 7 Richard Remnant< no role > ..3s-6D arr. Pd.
10 Charles Drew< no role > - gone away can't find him..10s-
10 John White< no role > - run away..5s-
10 Saml: Dry< no role > - Poor..10s-
18. John Spence< no role > - broke gone away..18s-
10 John Mansfield< no role > - can't find him..2s..6d
19 20 Henry Bolton< no role > £1 arr. Pd.
7 To an over cost in Total of this page£1
20 8 Richard Houghton< no role > - very Poor..8s..-
8 James Couston< no role > - Parish assistance..8s-
6 Thomas Hamerton< no role > - very Poor..3s- arr.
6 John Young< no role > ..6s- arr.

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