St Clement Danes Parish:
Minute Books of Parish Vestry Sub-Committees

17th April 1771 - 15th December 1775

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Currently Held: Westminster Archives Centre

LL ref: WCCDMO361000262

Image 262 of 2798th June 1775

whatsoever (Except as aforesaid) or such part thereof as upon this day are
Paved by virtue of an Act or Acts made in the 2d. 3d. 4th. 5th. 6th. or 7th. Years
of his present Majesty's Reign so far as the same Pavements so Compleated do
extend Also at the same time made and Signed one other Rate or Assessment
Sixpence for every Square Yard of Pavement belonging to all every Parish
Churches Church Yards Chapels Meeting Houses Schools Inns of Chan [..]
Halls Societys Marketts Warehouses Wharfs Dead Walls Void Spaces
Ground and other Publick Buildings whatsoever within the said Parish
which are not Charged by virtue of the said Acts of the 11th. Year of
present Majesty by the Pound Rate or otherwise All which said Rate [..]
Assessments do Commence and are to be Accounted from Lady Day last for [..]
Year thence next ensuing

Mr. Nixon Inspector now Reporting that Mr. Davis of Carey [..]
wants the footway Repaired where a Wooden Rail is taken away that
little Repair is likewise wanted in Ditto facing Hemlock Court in the Cam [..]
and that there is a bad Stone round a Fire box in Ship Yard and that two
Stones want relaying in Bear Yard Ordered that the said several [..]
be done by Mr. Meredith

Mr. Hayes of Devereux Court attending & Complaining that [..]
it Rained the Water comes thro' the Channel into his Cellar and reg [..]
this Committee that the same may be made good Ordered that Mr. Mer [..]
have Notice to view it and Report his Opinion concerning the same at
next meeting in order that the same may be done forthwith

Adjourned to the 16th. Instant at Six

Geo: Vaughan< no role >

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