St Clement Danes Parish:
Minutes of Parish Vestries

17th September 1767 - 18th October 1776

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Currently Held: Westminster Archives Centre

LL ref: WCCDMV362030207

Image 207 of 50421st August 1770

Saint Clement Danes 21st. of August 1770

At a Meeting of the Committee for building
a Workhouse


Mr. Rust
Mr. Marshall}Ch: wardens

Mr. Burkes
Mr. Henshaw
Mr. Giblett}Overseers

Mr. Heath

Mr. Dewsberry
Mr. Skreen
Mr. E Prior
Mr. Shepherd

Ordered that Mr. Cole the Surveyor of the intend [..]
Workhouse do take a plan of the Ground in the
Church Yard proper to be built on for the purpose
of erecting the Workhouse, And that such Plan be
annexed to the Case before it be laid before Coun [..]
for his Opinion, whether the Parish have a right
to build on it, in order to shew how much of the
Church Yard it will be necessary to build on
in case the Workhouse shall be built there.

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