<div1 type="CD_MVpage" id="WCCDMV36203MV362030339"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="WCCDMV362030339"></xptr>
<p n="2558"> <rs type="placeName" id="WCCDMV36203_geo462">Saint Clement Danes</rs>
<interp inst="WCCDMV36203_geo462" type="placeName" value="Saint Clement Danes"></interp>
<interp inst="WCCDMV36203_geo462" type="type" value="undefined"></interp>
<rs type="date" id="WCCDMV36203_date208">22d: June 1772</rs>
<interp inst="WCCDMV36203_date208" type="date" value="17720622"></interp>
<p n="2559">Vestry met pursuant to Notice in the Church,<lb></lb>
to pass the late Churchwardens Accounts and Assign<lb></lb>
the Parish Plate</p>
<p n="2560">Present</p>
<p n="2561">Mr. Woodley<lb></lb>
Mr. Burnthwaite}Ch: wardens</p>
<p n="2562">Mr. Tapp<lb></lb>
Mr. Cook<lb></lb>
Mr. Bean}Overseers</p>
<p n="2563">Mr. Bird<lb></lb>
Mr. Wallis<lb></lb>
Mr. Baker</p>
<p n="2564">Mr. Wright<lb></lb>
Mr. Stichall<lb></lb>
Mr. Perins<lb></lb>
Mr. Rainforth<lb></lb>
Mr: Marshall<lb></lb>
Mr: Shepherd<lb></lb>
Mr. Carpue</p>
<p n="2565">The Parish Plate and Utensills were Assigned and<lb></lb>
Delivered overby the late Churchwarden Mr. Marshall<lb></lb>
to Mr. Woodley the present upper Churchwarden</p>
<p n="2566">Auditted the Account of Mr: Marshall late upper<lb></lb>
Churchwarden & allowed the same, his Vouchers being produced</p>
<p n="2567">Resolved that the thanks of this Vestry be given,<lb></lb>
to Mr. Marshall for his careful Execution of his<lb></lb>

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