St Clement Danes Parish:
Minutes of Parish Vestries

21st October 1776 - 5th July 1787

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Currently Held: Westminster Archives Centre

LL ref: WCCDMV362040318

Image 318 of 38328th October 1785

A Motion was made by Mr. Wilkinson and
Seconded by Mr. Willis

That a like Notice be given to the several
Proprietors, of the Ground on each side of
the New Street called Newcastle Street
To Pence the same off in order to guard.
against Accidents, and to prevent.
Nuisances-or that They wod. be presentd. et

It was then moved by Mr. Wilkinson

That if it is found that Mr. Staines the Person
Recommended the 6th. Inst. as a Substitute
Constable, is an improper Person that such.
part of that Minute as Relates to him be
Rescinded,-a debate ensued.

and Mr. Wilkinson agreed to withdraw his.
Motion upon the several Gentlemen who
has Recommendd. Mr Staines. promising
to make enquiry Respecting him.

Read and Confirmed the Minutes
of last meeting

Adjourn'd till Another Notice

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