<div1 type="CD_MVpage" id="WCCDMV36204MV362040318"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="WCCDMV362040318"></xptr>
<p n="2956">A Motion was made by Mr. Wilkinson and<lb></lb>
Seconded by Mr. Willis</p>
<p n="2957">That a like Notice be given to the several<lb></lb>
Proprietors, of the Ground on each side of<lb></lb>
the New Street called Newcastle Street<lb></lb>
To Pence the same off in order to guard.<lb></lb>
against Accidents, and to prevent.<lb></lb>
Nuisances-or that They wod. be presentd. et</p>
<p n="2958">It was then moved by Mr. Wilkinson</p>
<p n="2959">That if it is found that Mr. Staines the Person<lb></lb>
Recommended the 6th. Inst. as a Substitute<lb></lb>
Constable, is an improper Person that such.<lb></lb>
part of that Minute as Relates to him be<lb></lb>
Rescinded,-a debate ensued.</p>
<p n="2960">and Mr. Wilkinson agreed to withdraw his.<lb></lb>
Motion upon the several Gentlemen who<lb></lb>
has Recommendd. Mr Staines. promising<lb></lb>
to make enquiry Respecting him.</p>
<p n="2961"> <note type="authorial" place="margin"></note>
Read and Confirmed the Minutes<lb></lb>
of last meeting</p>
<p n="2962">Adjourn'd till Another Notice</p>

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