St Clement Danes Parish:
Minutes of Parish Vestries

11th October 1754 - 18th December 1760

About this document type

Currently Held: Westminster Archives Centre

LL ref: WCCDMV362100277

Image 277 of 3872nd February 1759

Bethia Ryland< no role >
Cath: Robinson< no role >
Mary Reed< no role > 68 agedContinued at -..8s..-Monthly
Eliz: Row< no role > 70 agedContinued at -..6s..-Monthly
Sarah Stacey< no role > 60 agedContinued at -..4s..-Monthly
Eleanor Shirtcliff< no role > at Shaffield in Yorkshire
Eliz: Smith< no role > 65 agedContinued at -..6s..-Monthly
Mary Spackman< no role > Continued at -..12s..-Monthly
Ann Sculler< no role > 55 agedContinued at -..8s..-Monthly
Sarah Thompson< no role > 71 agedContinued at -..6s..-Monthly
Thomason Thompson< no role > Continued at -..10s..-Monthly
Mary Ann Tipler< no role > in Hertford shire

To be Enquired into

Ann Wright< no role > 47 aged. and 2 Children
Ann 13 and Edward< no role > 11 Yrs. Old}

Robt. Wilkinson< no role > Wife and 2 Children
Mary Weldon< no role > 62 agedContinued at -..4s..-Monthly

to be Sworn{

Eliz: Williams< no role > 26 agedContinued at -..8s..-Monthly
Eliz: Williams< no role > 71 agedContinued at -..8s..-Monthly

The Justices reviewed the Poor on the Weekly
Casual Note Book (Vizt.)

Richd. Archer< no role > 50 aged & his Wife
Continued at} -..2s..6d Weekly

Joseph Anderson< no role > 65 agedContinued -..1s..6d Weekly
Alice Austin< no role > 55 agedContinued at -..1s..-Weekly
Mary Bassett< no role >
Mary Bestford< no role >
Phobe Barnes< no role > 67 agedContd. at -..1s..6d Weekly
Elz: Brander< no role >

Fras. Chivers and 5 Childn. Ann 11 John 8
Robt. 5 Alice 4 & Susan 1Yr. Old Contd. at}-..3s..-Weekly

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