St Clement Danes Parish:
Parish Apprenticeship Indentures and Registers

15th June 1688 - 2nd October 1694

About this document type

Currently Held: Westminster Archives Centre

LL ref: WCCDPA364000142

Image 142 of 1482nd October 1694

Noverint Univsi P Presentes nos Jacobi Shalford< no role > de Poch Sci Clement Dacor in Cou
Midd Salesman & Saram Shatford< no role > deead exor Prd Jacobi Shalford teneri & firmit
Obligari Hugoni Mills & Thome Kirkham< no role > munc Ecclie Guardian Poch Sci Clement
Dacor Prd in Quadragint libris bone & leglis monet Angl. Solvend eisd Hugoni
Mills & Thome Kirkham auteor alt veleor certo Attorn Execut & Successoribz
Suis Ad quam quidem Solucon bene & fidelit faciend Obligamus nos & Aru [..]
urm P se. P toto & in solid hered Execut & Administ uros firmit P prsentes
Sigllis uris Sigillat dat Scib die Intobris Anno regin Regis & Regine Willi &
Marie munc Angl Etc sexto Annoqz Dui 1694.

The Condicon of this Obligacon is Such That Whereas the Churchwardens above
named Phillip Pinckney< no role > Benjamin Harvy< no role > John Dorrill< no role > & Mathew Beaver< no role > Overseers
of the Poore of the Parish of St. Clement Danes aforesaid with the assent of two Justices of
the Peace according to the Statute in that case made & pvided have putt Anne Singleton< no role >
apprentice to Sarah Shalford< no role > & have given with the said Apprentice Five & Forty Shilling
If therefore the above bound James Shalford< no role > & Sarah< no role > his wife or either of them or either
of their Execurs. Admrs. or Assignes doe well & Sufficiently provide for keepe & maintaine
Said Apprentice in by with all & all manner of needful & necessary meate drink
washing lodging apparrell linnen & all other necessaryes meet & convenient for Such
Apprentice dureing the Said terme of seaven yeares. And all so well & sufficiently save
defend & keepe harmlesse & indempnified the said Churchwardens & Overseers of the
Poore & their Successors. for the time being and all the Inhabitants of the sd par [..]
which now are & hereafter Shall be & every of them of & from the Charge of keepe [..]
& maintaineing of the said Apprentice in any manner of wise dureing the [..]
terme of Seaven yeares then this Obligacon to be void or else to be & remaine [..]
full force & vertue.

Sealed & delivered
in the prsence of.

Fan Chidley< no role >
Andrew Manwaring< no role >
vestry Clerke

James Sha [..]

the marke of
Sarah [mark] Shalford< no role >

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