Showing all person names where given name is 'joshua', between 1794 and 1799.

Displaying Results 1 to 20.

  1. Joshua Kershaw, Cashiers off 'Established' clerk

    British East India Company, "Clerk's" Salaries, 1760-1850, 1st January 1794

    'Established' clerk 10308 Kershaw Joshua 778 1794 29 Ca

  2. Joshua Dunn, proceedingsjury

    Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials, 15th January 1794

    Robson Joshua Dunn * James Hamilton

  3. JOSHUA DANIELS, proceedingsdefend, 26

    Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials, 15th January 1794

    RECORDER. 104. JOSHUA DANIELS was indicted for that he on the 11th of January , feloniously, without any lawful c

  4. Joshua Ruddock

    Bridewell Royal Hospital : Minutes of the Court of Governors  BR | MG, 31st January 1794

    Revd. Thomas Bowen Revd. Joshua Ruddock Edward Matthews Esqr.

  5. Joshua Ruddock

    Bridewell Royal Hospital : Minutes of the Court of Governors  BR | MG, 31st January 1794

    the House Committee of the 4th. December 1793 and 1st. January 1794. were read whereby it appeared That the Committee recommended the Revd. Joshua Ruddock M:A: Mr. Chs. Wilkins

  6. Joshua Ruddock

    Bridewell Royal Hospital : Minutes of the Court of Governors  BR | MG, 31st January 1794

    Elected Govrs. & Mr. Ruddock recd. charge At this Court the Revd. Joshua Ruddock M: A: Mr. Chs. Wilkins Robt. Drummond

  7. Joshua Johnson

    St Clement Danes Parish : Minutes of Parish Vestries  CD | MV, 6th February 1794

    George Prince Joshua Johnson Josh: Sumner } Churchwarde

  8. Joshua Stephens

    City of Westminster Coroners : Coroners' Inquests into Suspicious Deaths  CW | IC, 14th February 1794

    e 13 Miss Brandram Do} Tooley Street Horselydown NB It is said there were more I held Inquests on the first ten Evidence Joshua Stephens James Leighton

  9. Joshua Stephens

    City of Westminster Coroners : Coroners' Inquests into Suspicious Deaths  CW | IC, 14th February 1794

    after the two Ladies and was informed that they were both dead, and then Deponent believes that these two Ladies respective deaths were occasioned by Suffocation Joshua Stephens James Leighton of Manche


    Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials, 19th February 1794

    onstable. Q. But they are laid to be your property? - Because I am obliged to pay for all I take out, that is the rule at our house. JOSHUA PAGE sworn. I am a patrole of Whitecross-street, St. Luke's parish. I saw the man take the bread, the basket was standing right opposite Church-alley, in Basinghall-street, h

  11. JOSHUA GREEN, proceedingsdefend, servant, 25

    Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials, 19th February 1794

    RECORDER. 219. JOSHUA GREEN was indicted for stealing, on the 18th of February , three pounds weight of indigo,

  12. Joshua Jonston

    St Clement Danes Parish : Minute Books of Parish Vestry Sub-Committees  CD | MO, 21st February 1794

    Mr. James Rosier , Mr. Paul Richardson , Mr. George Prince and Mr. Joshua Jonston being Householders and Resident in this Parish who are Assessed to and pay their respective Shares

  13. Joshua Tolpully

    City of Westminster Coroners : Coroners' Inquests into Suspicious Deaths  CW | IC, 24th February 1794

    F McKnight Martin Danders Joshua Tolpully James Eaton

  14. Joshua Tolput

    City of Westminster Coroners : Coroners' Inquests into Suspicious Deaths  CW | IC, 24th February 1794

    Frans. McKnight Joshua Tolput Thos. Nigh

  15. Joshua Hammond

    St Thomas's Hospital : Hospital Admission and Discharge Registers  TH | RH, 27th February 1794

    No. 14 Great Maze Pond St. Thomas's - 10.6 Thos. Booth Joshua Hammond No. 1 Well St Well Clett Square Mr. March admitted 27th. Feby. 1794

  16. Joshua Coulton, Peruke Maker, Saint Mary Rotherhithe Surrey

    Wills Proved at Prerogative Court of Canterbury, 3rd March 1794

    1794 2531796 W Joshua Coulton Peruke Maker Saint Mary Rotherhi

  17. Joshua Garrett

    City of London Coroners : Coroners' Inquests into Suspicious Deaths  CL | IC, 28th March 1794

    edon Edward Roberts George Wiltshire Joshua Garrett Richard Jackson John Elliott

  18. Joshua Walker

    St Thomas's Hospital : Hospital Admission and Discharge Registers  TH | RH, 3rd April 1794

    ckinson 3.6 John Thistle A. Wingfield Hen 3.6 Joshua Walker Will Breakwell No. 3 Grays Walk

  19. Joshua Johnston

    St Clement Danes Parish : Minutes of Parish Vestries  CD | MV, 25th April 1794

    1793 Hollywell Ward Mr Joseph Paybody Mr Joshua Johnston 1792 Mr Saml Oddy 1793

  20. Joshua Johnston

    St Clement Danes Parish : Minutes of Parish Vestries  CD | MV, 25th April 1794

    1788 Mr John George 1789 Mr Jas Hitchon 1791 Mr. Joshua Johnston 1792 Mr John Willis Mr James Rosier