<div1 type="smdssetRecord" id="smdsset_0_49"> <interp inst="smdsset_0_49" type="after" value="17860804"></interp>
<interp inst="smdsset_0_49" type="before" value="17860804"></interp>
<div2 type="smdssetColumn">49</div2>
<div2 type="smdssetColumn">Peter Unwin forty eight Years, in the Workhouse of & in the Parish of St Martin in the Fields on his Oath saith, that he was a yearly hired Servant to Mr Rogers, who kept the Bell Bagnio in St. Martin?s Lane in the aforesaid Parish, within the Liberty of Westminster for the space of one year & an half, all under one hiring at the yearly Wages of five pounds Diet & Lodging quitted the same twenty five years ago and hath not done any Act to gain a subsequent Settlement. // Sworn the 4th day of August 1786 before John Collick // Peter Unwin his Mark // CCW // P</div2>
<div2 type="smdssetColumn">F5071</div2>
<div2 type="smdssetColumn">Peter</div2>
<div2 type="smdssetColumn"> <rs type="persName" id="persNamesmdsset_0_49">Unwin</rs>
<interp inst="persNamesmdsset_0_49" type="given" value="Peter"></interp>
<interp inst="persNamesmdsset_0_49" type="surname" value="Unwin"></interp>
<interp inst="persNamesmdsset_0_49" type="gender" value="male"></interp>
<interp inst="persNamesmdsset_0_49" type="age" value="48"></interp>
<div2 type="smdssetColumn">male</div2>
<div2 type="smdssetColumn">48</div2>
<div2 type="smdssetColumn">04/08/1786</div2>
<div2 type="smdssetColumn">St Martin in the Fields</div2>
<div2 type="smdssetColumn"></div2>
<div2 type="smdssetColumn">228</div2>
<div2 type="smdssetColumn">marked </div2>

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