<div1 type="smdssetRecord" id="smdsset_13_1348"> <interp inst="smdsset_13_1348" type="after" value="17281102"></interp>
<interp inst="smdsset_13_1348" type="before" value="17281102"></interp>
<div2 type="smdssetColumn">1348</div2>
<div2 type="smdssetColumn">Morse Commins aged about 36 years now in the Workhouse pass'd from St James Westminster Saith he was Married to Deborah his now Wife at ye ffleet about 2 years agoe saith he had a former Wife Mary who died about 6 years ago to whom he was Married at this Pish Church about 13 years agoe Saith he was a yerly hired Servt to one Coll Naughton 6 years who lived in the Meuse but that he this Depont was married during 4 years & 10 months of ye sd time Saith that his Wife died the 29th of Augt 1722 & that he Continued in the sd Colls Service till Octobr 1723 & that then the sd Coll died at ye Bath & that he this Depont was during that time a Widower & never had any Child by her sd Wife Mary he never was in Service Since never kept house.</div2>
<div2 type="smdssetColumn">F5022</div2>
<div2 type="smdssetColumn">Morse</div2>
<div2 type="smdssetColumn"> <rs type="persName" id="persNamesmdsset_13_1348">Commins</rs>
<interp inst="persNamesmdsset_13_1348" type="given" value="Morse"></interp>
<interp inst="persNamesmdsset_13_1348" type="surname" value="Commins"></interp>
<interp inst="persNamesmdsset_13_1348" type="gender" value="male"></interp>
<interp inst="persNamesmdsset_13_1348" type="age" value="36"></interp>
<div2 type="smdssetColumn">male</div2>
<div2 type="smdssetColumn">36</div2>
<div2 type="smdssetColumn">02/11/1728</div2>
<div2 type="smdssetColumn"></div2>
<div2 type="smdssetColumn"></div2>
<div2 type="smdssetColumn">3</div2>
<div2 type="smdssetColumn">unsigned/unmarried </div2>

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