Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

23rd February 1687

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Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t16870223-5

Ann Fletcher proceedingsdefend , was Tryed upon two Indictments, first for stealing from Daniel Wright proceedingsvictim , of the Parish of St. Bottolph without Aldersgate right pair of Flaxen Sheets, value 40 s. on the 4th of February ; which Felony upon her being apprehended; as it appeared by the Evidence she had Confessed, and that going by her direction, they were found where she had sold them; nor did she make any defence for her self in Court, but in a manner confirmed her former Confession.

Secondly, she was Tryed upon an Indictment of Felony, for stealing one Holland Sheet, value 7 s. from Henry Seal proceedingsvictim of the Parish of St. Giles's Cripplegate , on the 4th of February . The chief Evidence was Seal's Wife, who deposed she had Confessed her stealing them, and that by her direction the place of Sale was found, so that having nothing material to offer in her own defence, she was found guilty upon both Indictments.

[No punishment. See summary.]

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