Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

23rd February 1687

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Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t16870223-7

Jonathan Gibbons proceedingsdefend of St. James's Westminster , was Tryed for stealing six Pound Weight of Iron, value 6 d. one Leather Chair, value 6 d. and three Silk Curtains, value 5 s. the proper Goods of John Kennet proceedingsvictim , on the 16th of February . The principal Evidence was Kennet's Wife, who deposed that she missing her things and going in search of them found the Barr of Iron (which she knew by one of them being a Frying Pan Handle to be those she lost) at one Whites a Brother; where the Prisoner had disposed of them and being desired by the Broker to be content, in Gibbons came again he had promised which accordingly he did, the next Morning with Nine Streaks or Rods of Iron was by the Broker apprehended and she sent for, so that the proof being plain, and he having nothing to plead in his defence, but that he had the Iron of a man he fortunately met byupon Bridge, in part of a Bond of 4 l. he pretended was owing by the said party to himself, and he being not able to give any good account of himself, he was found guilty .

[Imprisonment. See summary.]

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