Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

9th December 1714

About this dataset

Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t17141209-49

Margaret Gilbert proceedingsdefend , Elizabeth Mills proceedingsdefend , Mary Tayler proceedingsdefend , and Thomas Bailey proceedingsdefend were all indicted for assaulting, putting in bodily Fear, and robbing Thomas Edward Frederick Slade proceedingsvictim of 6 s . on the 14th of Novembe r last. The Prosecutor swore, That he and two more went to Gilbert's House, where they drank Wine and Brandy, and then she fetch'd the other three Women; and after they had staid there a while, the two young Men who were with the Prosecutor went away, but Gilbert observing him to have the Money, stopt him and would not let him go till he had given what she demanded to her self and the Women; and Bailey threaten'd him if he did not comply; nor could he get away till a Constable came who was sent by his 2 Companions. The Jury considering the Matter, found them all guilty of Petty-Larceny .

[Whipping. See summary.]

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