Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

July 1720

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS501870010

Image 10 of 9420th March 1720

To the Honble: & Worshipfull his Majesties Justices
of the Peace for the County of Middssx: in their
General Sessions Assembled

The humble Peticon of Humphry Parsons< no role > Esqr
Common Brewer at the Red Lion Brewhouse in the
Parish of St Buttolph Aldgate in the said County


That by an Act of Parliament made in the Twelfth Year of the
Reign of our late most Gracious Sovereign Lady Queen Ann, Intit'led an Act for
Granting to her Majesty Dutys upon Malt, Mum, Cyder & Perry for the Service of [..]
Year One Thousand Seven hundred & Thirteen Etca. It is amongst other things Enacted
That from & after the Three & Twentieth Day of June 1713 . And after the Duty
by the said Act Imposed on Malt is paid or Secured to be paid by the Malster. If
any Quantity of Malt shall Unfortunately happen to be Destroyed by Fire, By
the Burning of the Malt house Granary or other place where the same shall
be made or kept, It shall & may be Lawfull for the Proprietor or Proprietors
of such Malt so Perishing to make Proofe thereof by Two Credible Witnesses on
Oath And of his her or their having paid or given Security to pay the said
Duty before the Justices of the Peace of the County Riding or Division where
such Accident shall happen at the next General Quarter Sessions to be held
for such County Riding or Division. (Who are thereby Impower'd to give Certi
ficates under their Hands and Seals of such Loss) Upon Producing of which
Certificate to the Officer Appointed to Collect the said Duty he shall be Obliged
to repay or Allow to the said Proprietor or Proprietors so much of the said Duty
as shall have been by him or them paid for the Quantity of Malt proved to have
so Perished or been Destroyed as Aforesaid

And further Sheweth, that a Fire happening in the Brewhouse Granarys &
Warhouses of the said Humphry Parsons< no role > Esqr . About Eleven or Twelve a Clock at
Night on the Twentieth of March last , There was Burnt & Destroy'd One Thousand
Twenty Seven Quarters of Malt at Twenty Eight Shillings P Quarter Amounting
to the Sume of One Thousand Four hundred & Eight Pounds Sixteen, Shillings
that in the Value or Price of the said Malt is Included the Six Pence P Bushell
paid for the Duty of it by Vertue of the said Act which Amounts to yr Sume of
Two hundred & Five Pounds Eight Shillings

That Yor. Petitioner being the Proprietor of the said Malt so Destroy'd
humbly Conceives that he is Reliveable by the said Act of Parliament and Ought
to be Repaid or Allowd the Duty paid for the same but cannot Intitle himself
thereto unless this Court will be Pleas'd to Grant a Certificate as the said Act Directs.

That Yor. Peticoner is Ready to make such Proofe of his Loss, as by the said
Act is Required

1029 Quarter is 8216 Bushells at 6d. P Bushlls is £205:8s:0

And therefore humbly Prays that a Certificate thereof
may be given to him According to Yr Direction of the sd Act

And Yor Peticoner shall ever Pray Etca

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