Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

July 1720

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS501870015

Image 15 of 9418th May 1720

A Coppy of a Certificate granted by the Court of Generall Quarter
sessions in Surrey on the Eighteenth day of May lasts and Signed
by three Justices of the peace

To the Honble: the Comiconers of Excise

Surr ss:

Whereas By an act of Parliament made in the twelfth Year of her late Majties
regin Intituled an act for granting to her Majesty dutys upon mall, mum, Cyder,
and perry for the service of the year One Thousand Seven hundred & thirteen,
and for makeing forth Duplicates of Lottery Tickells, lost, Burnt or destroyed,
and for enlargeing the time for adjusting Claimes in severall Lottery acts
and to punish the Counter feiling, or forgeing, of Lottery ordrs. and for
Explaining A late act in relation to stamp dutys, on Customary Estates, which
pass by deed or Coppy, Itt is amongst other things Enacted, that from and after
the twenty third day of June one Thousand Seven Hundred and thirteen
and after the duty by the said act imposed on mall, is paid or Secured to be paid
by the Malster, if any quantity of Mall shall unfortunately happen to be
destroyed by fire, by the Burning of the Malt house, Granary, or other place,
where the same shall be made or kept Itt shall and may be lawfull for the
Proprietor or Proprietors of such malt so Perishing as abovesd. to make proofe
there of by two Credible Witnesses Upon oath, and of his her, or their, haveing
paid, or given Security to pay, the said duty before the Justices of the peace
of the County, Rideing or Division, where such accident shall happen (who are
thereby impowered to give Certificates under their Hands and Seales of such loss)
upon produceing of which Certificate to the officer Appointed to Collect the sd duty
he shall be obliged to repay or allow to the said Proprietor, or Proprietors so much
of the said duty as shall have been by him paid for the quantity of Malt proved to
have so perished or been destroyed as abovesd. Now these are hereby to Certifie
that at this present Generall Quarter Session of the peace holden by adjournment
at Southwarke this Eighteenth day of May anno Dui 1720 there hath been
due proofe made before Us whose hands and Seales are hereunto sett being
three of his Majties Justices of the peace of the said County by two Credible
Witnesses upon oath that on the twenty eighth day of February last past
about eleven a Clock at Night, there happened afire in the Brewhouse and
Granarys of John Dunmall< no role > and Copartners Comon Brewers at the Cross keys
Brewhouse in Bermondsey Street in the said County of Surrey which Burnt
and Consumed Five Thousand one hundred Bushlls. of mall of their Joynt
stock in Copartnership, and Wee do further Certifie that there was likewise
proofe made before us by Mr Benjamin Saney< no role > and Mr George Robbins< no role > dealers
in Malt Upon oath that there was then lately sold to the said John Dunmall< no role > and
partners the full Quantity of Mall proved to have So perished by fire as
aforesd. and that the duty for the said mall amounting to the Sume of £127:10s:0d
was paid as the said Act directs, and that the Comrs. of Excise had due notice that the
said Mr Dunmall and his partners intended to apply to this Court this present
sessions in ordr to be relieved as the said act directs, But no person appeared
to oppose the same, given under our hands and Seales this Eighteenth day of
May 1720 in the Sixth Year of his Majties reign Etc.

vera Coxia

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