Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

September 1724

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS502220168

Image 168 of 21625th March 1712

To the Clerke of the Peace of the County of Middx on his lawfull Deputy

I Henry Somersett< no role > of the Parish of St. Andrews Holborne in the County of
Middx Esqr . in pursuance of an Act of Parliament Entitled an Act to oblidge
Papists to Register their names and reall Estates. Doe by this writeing
under my hand desire you or one of you to Register my name and my
Messuages lands Tenements and here ditaments with their appurte [..]
here master contained lyeing being and arising in the Said County of Middx
A true Perticuler of the Severall Messuages lands Tenements and here dicamts.
with their and every of their appurtences Scituace lyeing and being in
the Parish of Acton in the Said County of Middx when of I the Said Henry
< no role > am or any other Person or Persons In, Trust for me or for my
benefit or advantage is or are Seized or Possesion in the receipt or percepcon
of the Rents or profitts then of on of my Severall and respective Lessees or
Under tenants by vertue of the Severall Leases made by Charles Somersett< no role >
Esqr . my lated Brother deceased under the Reservacons of the Severall and
respective yearly and other Rents herein after menconed and expressed

£ s d

Thomas Franklyn< no role > holds of me by Severall Lesses bearing date the Second
day of Decembr. 1712 : for 21: years from Michas then before at the yearly rent of}

John Franklyn< no role > holds of me by Lease bearing date the Second day of Decembr.
1712 : for 21: years from Michas then before at the yearly rent of}

Henry Stevenson< no role > holds of me by two Leases bearing date the Second day of
Decembr 1712 : for 21: years from Michal then Sessons at the yearly rent of}
120:18 [..]

Roger Life< no role > holds of me by two Leases bearing date the 29th. day of Septr. 1712
under the 24th of February 1714 : for 21 Years from Michas then before at the yearly rent}
108: [..]

Richard Life< no role > holds of me by Lease bearing date the 22th. day of February 1714 :
for 21: years from Michas then before at the yearly rent of}
72 [..]

William Pannett< no role > holds of me by Lease bearing date the Second day of December
1712 : for 21: years from Michas then before at the yearly rent of}
45 [..]

Thomas Jones< no role > holds of me by Lease bearing date the 18: day of July 1712 : for
21: years from Lady day then before at the yearly rent of}
23 [..]

Thomas Magson< no role > holds of me by Lease bearing date the 24th. day of Novembr. 1712
for 21: year's from Lady day then before at the yearly rent of}

Mary Neale< no role > holds of me by Lease bearing date the 25th day of March [..]
for 21: years from Lady day 1712: at the yearly rent of}

Edward Briggs< no role > holds of me by Lease bearing date the 25th. day of March 1712
for 21: years from Lady day 1712 at the yearly rent of}

Thomas Finch< no role > holds of me by Lease bearing date the Second day of June 1712 :
for 21: years from Lady day then before at the yearly rent of}

John Westwood< no role > holds of me by Lease bearing date the 25th. day of March 1712 :
for 21: years from Lady day 1712:at the yearly rent of}
3:06 [..]

All which Messuages lands Tenements and hereditaments afore menconed I am
Served of for Terme of my life only Subsect to Assee Farme Rent to the Kind of
One Pound Fourteen Shillings P ann, and Charged with One Annuity of one [..]
and Fifty pounds P ann to John Somersett< no role > Gent my Brother Elder of all Taxes, and
alsoe charged with the Severall Annity of tenn pounds P aum to be paid to each
of my Sisters Carolina Somersett< no role > Clare Somersett< no role > Jane Hooper< no role > Anne Somersett< no role > ,
and Henrietta Maria Somersett< no role > cleer of all Taxes, dureing my life.

Henry Somerset< no role >

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