Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

June 1725

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS502280046

Image 46 of 617th July 1725

May it please your Worships

I most humbly crave Leave to
your Worships that I have been unfortunately conf [..]
Debt in Newgate almost five years, and have [..]
my self to the late Act of Parliament made for [..]
of Insolvents, & am intituled to a regular Discharge [..]
morrow, having then been 33: Days in the Gazette and the [..]
Days Notice given to my Creditors, therefore I most humbly [..]
Worships will be pleased to order the Keeper of this Great [..]
bring me before your Worships, and returnd the Warrant granted [..]
me; under the hand & Seal of Jno Troughton < no role > Esqr : one of his
Majts: Justices of the Peace for the County of Middlesex , bearing
date the Eighth day of June last that I may be discharged from my
long & tedious Confinement, or otherways disposed of as your
Worships in your great Wisdom shall think most meet

I am with great deference.
Your Worships most Distress'd
but Truly Obedient humble [..]
Willm: Saunders< no role >

Newgate Common Side
July the 7th 1725 .

P:S. I hope your Worships [..]
my telling you that I shall in [..]
perish unless speedily relived

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